Thursday, April 10, 2008

Billy Bob's Texas Two

Going back to Billy Bob's was really neat. I already had the "insider's" view of it, now I got to see more of the "public" view. We learned all of the history of Billy Bob's. How it was orignially used as a barn, how during the Second World War it was used as an airplane factory and how in the fifties it was used as a department store that was so big, the stock boys wore roller skates to get around.
Inside we were shown memrobilia that I had missed the night before. Like Reba's dress from one of the awards shows and the saddle from...I forget. A movie? Possibly Urban Cowboy but I don't remember.

I'm sure the girls got tired of me saying "And Marty said this, and Marty said that" but I had fun sharing all my new triva knowledge :D

Blake Shelton's hands are bigger than mine. Surprise! LOL
In front of the bull riding ring. The point of this picture was to capture the chewing tobacco sign behind me. It currently doesn't have a warning from the Surgeon General because it was put up before that. It's also WAY bigger than regulation. The cool thing is that it's grandfathered and as long as the sign isn't altered, it can still be displayed. It can be touched up but only with original colours. Gotta love loopholes :)

After we finished at Billy Bob's we went back around to the front of the Live Stock Exchange building where I got to hold a real live armadillo! The little bugger had sharp, strong claws so the big industrial orange gloves came in handy.

1 comment:

Kaye said...

Ack! I can't believe you actually held an armadillo. Those are some ugly creatures. LOL!