Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thankful Thursday

So after a month of one blog a day, I've essentially abandoned updates, or at least it feels like it anyways. So, in the spirit of November's "I'm thankful for" posts, this is my update of the past not-quite-a-week.

I'm thankful that the idiot who did a u-turn in front of us while Mom, Dad and I were going to Costco, didn't hit us. It's only because of Dad's quick swerving and God's grace that I am able to write this post at all. Big SUV, little Jetta, Mom and I could have been creamed. Very scary.

I'm thankful that the border guard didn't question our purchases on our way home. Mom and I went down to Bellingham to do some initial Christmas shopping (we only bought one gift each) and so I could mail a bunch of Christmas cards. We had a great time together (even though the weather was *horrible*) and the guard didn't even blink when I gave her our totals for the day. Hallelujah!

I'm thankful that it was sunny out and we could go for a walk. I ended up spending most of the weekend with my parents, and, as on November 1st, I'm thankful that I can spend that much time with them and still like them :) Sunday we had lunch together after church and then we went for a walk around the lake before the sun set. It was cool out but so refreshing.

Sunday evening I organized all my scrapbooking memrobilia. It was a big job but I have less than I thought I did and now it's all in one place. That feels great!

I skipped dance since my partner wasn't there anyways. I am thankful for "found time". I didn't actually do anything particularly productive...I did try to make cookies but they flopped big time. I mostly just puttered around which is suprisingly relaxing.

I attempted to give blood. It didn't really work. I guess I was cold because my blood was flowing very s.l.o.w.l.y. and it ended up clotting before I filled the bag. I have to admit though, as frustrating as it can be to not have a successful donation, I am incredibly thankful that I am the one GIVING the blood instead of receiving it.

On Friday all of the office staff minus our manager and accountant, went to the annual industry luncheon. It's a really nice event held, this year, at a local golf course. The lunch was wonderful. They did a 50/50 draw and a raffle. They had fantastic prizes donated for the raffle and I won a paninni press/4-in-1-grill. I've been coventing a paninni press for awhile and this one is way nicer than anything I'd have bought for myself. I've made dinner on it a few times and it always turns out so yummy. I am thankful for my paninni press!!!

And that brings us to today which is Thursday. I'm going to a cookie exchange on Saturday and I'm hoping to get my cookies made tonight. Also I need to sit down and write a bunch more Christmas cards. I have quite a few complete but I'm nowhere near done. So that's the plan for tonight. Cookies and cards. I love Christmas time :)

1 comment:

shirley said...

I Love my panini press. You probably got a really nice one.

And you are WAY more gutsy than I am for giving blood. I can't even be in a room where they are giving blood because I get queasy.