Monday, March 17, 2008

I've got him figured out

I worked at the store on Sunday. 6.5 loooong hours on my feet. I was exhausted by the time I was done and considered just vegging on the couch but my mom called and lured me over to their place with the promise of pizza. We played a round of Scrabble and during the game I was commenting (not complaining, commenting) that I wasn't looking forward to Monday morning because I had a conference call first thing. My dad asked "Have you ever thought about getting a different job?" He does this all the time. I don't know why my current job isn't good enough but maybe that's a Dad's job, getting you to look to the future. Anyways I figured out how to shut him up. I said "of course, I'll get a different job when I go to Ontario!" He doesn't like that idea so he clammed up pretty quickly. We'll see how he reacts when I actually DO move.

And for the record, I like my job. I've been here for two weeks now and it still fits me just fine. I have no plans to go anywhere (in this province anyways).


Anonymous said...

did I miss something??? you have a new job???

or maybe I just missed the sarcasm...

(where is the rolling eyes smilie when you need him?)


agent713 said...

Well I've been at my current day job for two years now and at the store (see previous post) since October. I don't know if you consider those "new"...

Anonymous said...

You wrote that you were at your new job for 2 weeks, not 2 years. lol...

Surprise! For once you don't have to tell me to read your blog. :)

agent713 said...

Yeah for reading Deb!!! :D And thanks for pointing out that I can't spell. You're right, I've been at my job for two YEARS. Not two weeks. So no, it's not new.