Thursday, August 01, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Strawberry Shortcake

Okay, maybe I am a bit of an 80s girl. 

The day after I posted my comments about not being a child of the 80s, this list popped up on Facebook: 
53 Things Only ’80s Girls Can Understand The vast majority of it does not apply to me, which supports my claim of not being an 80s child. However there were a few things, for younger kids, that did apply. I've chosen a few of them and will be featuring them in a new series I am un-originally dubbing "Throwback Thursday". Note all images not of me are stolen directly from the above link.

Also, for the record I'm writing this post while watching "Pretty in Pink" as suggested by my readers. I think that's appropriate :)

27. The delicious smell of Rose Petal and Strawberry Shortcake dolls

I definitely had the Strawberry Shortcake doll. I remember her hat. I think she was the only one though. I would have loved to have them all. 

This was probably my fifth or sixth birthday. I forget exactly. I'm wearing a Strawberry Shortcake necklace too. I still have that in a box somewhere! 

I used this for my profile picture yesterday. 48 "likes" and counting? I'd say it's a pretty good choice!!!

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