Thursday, March 22, 2007


Last night was my first official "Visitation" with dance. Because it's Spring Break, our hall is "dark". They usually take this opportunity to re-wax the floors. Dark means that there is no dancing at my club so we take the opportunity to visit other local clubs. It may not mean much to non-dancers but a visitation is pretty cool. It's one thing to dance at your club with your caller with people who's dance styles you are familiar with. It's another thing to go to a new hall (with a suprisingly slippery floor) with a new caller and new people in your square. My regular partner couldn't make it either so I was actually dancing with seven new people a few times.

It was a lot of fun though. The club we visited is almost twice the size of ours. They're a great group and I had no problem finding a partner for each tip. A lot of them were impressed to learn that I'm doing advanced plus moves and I've only been dancing for 2.5 years. It feels good too. I was really confident which was nice.

Dance is almost over for the year though! Two more Monday nights, then I go to Texas. I get back and we have our wrap up dance on April 20th. Then we're done for the summer! It's gone fast. I have to enjoy it while it's still around.


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