Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Feeling better...finally

I'm going to blame my extreme lack of blogging on being sick. I'm going to try not to appologize though because it annoys me when people do that. If they were really sorry, the would have just blogged/written/called in the first place!!!

That cold was nasty though. It was the same thing I had at the beginning of the year with ultra sinus pressure. I basically had a headache for four days straight. I'm not above drugs but I didn't feel like investing in a bunch of them and what I had din't really work all that well. Thursday was the only day I missed work. (although my productivity during the latter days in the week could be questioned) Thursday I was starting to feel naseous by around three o'clock so I packed it in. I went home and tried to just lay on the couch but I fell asleep immediately. I moved to my bed and slept through until six when my dad called. Mom had bought me a new kitchen table. A larger one with a leaf in it and Dad dropped it off that evening. Of course now I have two tables and I don't really want to part with either of them. I'm not totally sure what to do with the second one though.

Saturday Sue (foleysfriend, for those of you from SS) came over to scrapbook. We had both attended the SSWA Crop but neither of us got anything done. Plus we've never gotten together to scrapbook, just the two of us so it worked well. For that, having two tables was great! I still have both of them set up with my scrapbooking stuff out. I plan on cleaning it up soon though.

Sunday I went to Mom and Dad's for lunch and then we went for a walk around the lake. That evening I went over to friends for the evening. Tonight (Monday) was dance. Tomorrow I'm having an ex-co-worker over and Wednesday Mere and I are getting together for a "Rotic" Valentines (meaning no "man" in "romantic" ;))

So, lifes busy, but good.

Oh, and I booked my ticket home from Texas. I had fun telling people "well, I've got a ticket to GO there..." I think the border people would like to see me with a plan to come home though LOL

Hope you're all well.


1 comment:

Emmy said...

I'll take the extra table off your hands ... I am tableless here :)