Tuesday, January 31, 2006

In search of the perfect no-foam-latte

I think I'm going to rename my blog, "In search of the perfect no-foam-latte" Honestly. How hard is it to NOT put foam on a beverage??? Expecially when it's written right on the side of the cup. Today I got a chai and there was a good inch and a half of foam on top!? At what point do you start getting anal and not accepting a drink until all the foam has been scrapped off the top?

Of course the worst part about achieveing perfect foam-less-ness is that it's a fleeting victory. With the next drink it could all be back. I think I need a personal barista :P

~Heidi...enjoying her half full chai now that all the foam has been anhilated.


Veronica said...

I don't understand the no-foam-latte....but then I really, really don't like lattes ;) Foam or no foam

agent713 said...

When they steam your milk or soy or whatever, it creates foam. I want them to scoop it off and discard it and give me a full cup of liquid, not glorified air. Some people like foam. In fact you can order your latte/espresso/cappacino "dry" which means it is ALL foam. BLECH!
Get rid of it thankyouverymuch.

Mel said...

You tell them!!!

(from someone who may be swearing off coffee for a week, or at least a couple days!)


Veronica said...

Oh yeah - I understand how they make the foam etc. I just don't understand the desire to have a latte of any kind :P

agent713 said...

LOL :P Well then my dear, you have deeper problems then I am able to deal with ;)

Mel, why no coffee?


Mel said...

I may have gotten sick the other day from caffenated coffee (because I always drink decaf) or else there was a bug going around.